Monday, June 9, 2008

Richard Zednik thinks this is the cut throat move of the year

TSN is reporting that CTV and TSN have snapped up the rights to the Hockey Night in Canada theme song. Or, as it's apprently known now, "The Hockey Song".

This will no doubt come as a great shock to the blathering morons who had predicted that this was all a smokescreen and the song would remain on CBC.


  1. "This will no doubt come as a great shock to the blathering morons who had predicted that this was all a smokescreen and the song would remain on CBC."


    you are a joker, Sean...

  2. I wonder if Stompin' Tom is going to sue CTV for calling it 'the hockey song' repeatedly on national television.

    I know if my name had the word
    "Stompin'" in it I'd probably just do it out of spite.

  3. +1 for the title, + 1 for burning all the blathering morons who had predicted that this was all a smokescreen and the song would remain on CBC."

    What about Hockey Monkey by the Zamboonis? that'd be great! plus it's short enough that it could be a theme song.

  4. If we're going to turn this into the suggested new theme song discussion, then it starts and stops with a little tune by the Rheostatics.

  5. I'll One up you.

    They should just play THE video.

    for those of you that don't know.
