Thursday, March 26, 2009

The National Post on the Brian Burke twitter account

Oh no. Another newspaper has noticed the Brian Burke twitter account. After the whole debacle with the Globe and Mail and Eklund, this can't possibly go well...

Over to you, Bruce Arthur in today's National Post:

Of all of Twitter's characteristics, necessity is not among them. In fact, the most entertaining Twitter feeds in sports tend to have nothing to do with athletes. Instead, they are satire feeds like the one lampooning columnist Rick Reilly, or the parody of Toronto Maple Leafs GM Brian Burke which includes entries like the one from Feb. 21 that read, "Just ran into Kyle Wellwood arriving at the ACC. He seemed kind of depressed. Told him to keep his chins up."

Now that's worth following. As for the rest? Bah, humbug.
Um... wait, what? Let me go back and read that again. There must be some mistake.

Where's the feigned confusion? Where's the mock outrage? Where's the implication that Leaf fans are dumb and need to have obvious jokes explained to them?

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Arthur actually gets the joke. He seems to think it's sort of funny. Heck, he even picked an example that allows me to use my favorite tag on this post.

Sorry Bruce. You're just not going to last long in this market with that kind of attitude.

(In case you're wondering, the fake Rick Reilly account Arthur mentions was briefly shut down by twitter before being resurrected two weeks ago. That account is run by the folks from Deadspin and Kissing Suzy Kolber, two of the most popular sports blogs on the planet. And thanks to their constant updates and high profile promotion, fake Rick Reilly has gone on to become the second most popular sports parody twitter in the entire world. Keep up the good work, guys!)


  1. Wow ,who saw that coming. You're right that guy has no future. getting jokes and parady doen't sound like a "Professional" writer in Canada.

    The fake Rick Reily account is hilarious BTW.

  2. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were subtly bragging about having the world's most popular sports parody Twitter account. That's all well and good, but my fake Butch Carter personal site on Geocities was all the rage in AOL chat rooms in the late '90s. All I'm saying is: Respect your forefathers.


  3. He should be fired immediately...He's obviously completely unclear on the concept.

  4. That's all well and good, but my fake Butch Carter personal site on Geocities was all the rage in AOL chat rooms in the late '90s. All I'm saying is: Respect your forefathers.

    Lies. I can say with absolute confidence that I am the first person in history to come up with the idea of misrepresenting myself on the Internet.

  5. Boy, is Bruce Arthur gonna get an angry e-mail from Burke!

    Congrats, DGB.

  6. Damien was at it today with his new vlog. Notice in the background of the video you can see a giant poster with the number "67". Oh Damien, why do you torture us so?

  7. Well, hell has finally frozen over- a Leafs-oriented blog that is both a screaming laugh and highly intelligent. Now all we need is 2 top-10 league forwards and we'll be on the way to the top. Or not. Maybe.
