You're a Leaf fan, and you don't have a blog?
Start one. Now. There's never been a better time.
The world of Leafs blog (a.k.a. the Barilkosphere) is expanding rapidly. There are about a dozen active blogs that have formed a loose alliance, centered around the mothership over at Pension Plan Puppets. According to Die Hard Blue and White, there were only three major Leaf blogs when he started just two years ago.
I'll have to take his word for it -- I've only been doing this for five months. I'd been toying with the idea for months before that, and finally decided to get off my behind and get started. I'm glad I did.
Since then, we've seen plenty of new faces show up. General Borschevsky has been at it for two months now, and has already produced some absolute classics. Then The Ballad of Wendel Clark showed up. And then Toronto Sports Media.
You should join them. Here's why:
- Blogging is easy. You don't need to be a techie. You don't even need to be smart. You can literally be up and running in minutes on a site like blogspot or wordpress. Most Leaf blogs are running on one of those sites (except PPP, which has to be hosted with special servers because it gets a billion hits per day).
- Now's the best time. Blogging is easy, but blogging well takes some times. It usually takes a good blog a few months to find its voice. If you start now, you'll be humming by the time the season starts in October. And you'll really be at the top of your game when the Leafs are eliminated from playoff contention in November.
- We're taking over. Other major sports teams have large and vocal blogging communities. For whatever reason, the Leafs never really established one. Well, we are now. Might as well get in on the ground floor... within months, we'll be storming Richard Peddie's office and making Damien Cox cry. Join us.
Have I talked you into it? Cool. Then get going. And don't forget to introduce yourself in the comments below or over at PPP so we know where to find you.
Nice call to arms!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see the build up in the community. For too long the Leafs were underrepresented while teams like the Oilers had about 74 blogs running the gamut from the sublime to the ridiculous (in a good way!).
Now we are building our own gamut.
Thanks for the kind words DGB. It's fun to be part of the 'Sphere. The more the merrier, for sure.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm crazy, but I'm really optimistic about where all this is taking us.
Might as well get in on the ground floor...
Next stop: Penthouse suites for everyone! (spiritually speaking that is...)
The expansion of the Barilkosphere has been incredible this past year and a half. I really can't believe the quality Leaf blogs that are popping up. I'm not even bothered that they are all better than mine.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the mention. Having a blast and lots of great stuff still to come!
ReplyDeleteAlright. You've talked me into it.
ReplyDeleteI already have a blog where I sometimes talk about the Leafs (hockey posts are here), but I talk about other things as well, so it's not specifically a Leafs blog. Maybe I should create a second blog and just talk about the Leafs there, and talk about less important things (i.e. everything else) on my regular one.
ReplyDeleteWhere will we plan the mutiny against PPP now?
ReplyDeleteWhere will we plan the mutiny against PPP now?
ReplyDeleteWell Chemmy, it's too late, you're already dead.
DGB, your blog is one of the blogs I enjoy the most. Keep up the great work. Recently I've had a few buddies who've told me that they've gone through to your site and really liked what they found. You tha man. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteThanks eyebleaf.