Friday, April 7, 2023

An idea for determing the draft order that’s so ridiculous it might be brilliant

One of the things I like to do in my columns is to occasionally throw a new idea out into the world. Helpful suggestions, if you will. Sometimes, it’s because I really think I have a genuinely better way of doing things. Other times, I’m trying to make a larger point.

Not today. I’m under no illusions that today’s suggestion would ever happen, because I acknowledge that on a certain level, it’s just dumb. It has zero chance of becoming reality, and even writing about it is a total waste of my time and yours.

Also, it’s completely brilliant. Stay with me.

While I wish I could claim all the credit here, that honor goes to reader Drew, who sent me an outline of the idea. It’s a topic that’s I’ve railed about before: The draft order, how best to determine it, and the related issues of tanking and fan bases checking out on the season. As it stands now, we encourage bad teams to lose as much as possible, assign some odds based on the final standings, and then let a barrel full of ping pong balls sort it out. Surely, there has to be a better way.

>> Read the full post at The Athletic

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