
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hacked: Gary Bettman's Gmail account

Ever wondered what kind of e-mail shows up in the inbox of the commissioner of a big time sports league? You have? OK, well what about the commissioner of the NHL instead?

An inside source tipped me off that all of Gary Bettman's official league correspondence goes through his Gmail account. And let's just say Gary's every bit as good at picking secure passwords as he is choosing new markets for expansion.

Here's a screenshot I was able to grab before I was booted off their servers:

Gary Bettman's gmail
Can't see the image? Want to download it? Here's the small version, and here's a larger one that's easier to read.

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  1. I seriously can't picture Lou Lamoriello fist pumping. Also thoroughly enjoyed the Eklund email

  2. In Gmail, newer messages appear at the top.

  3. Wow! just wow! Love the Count von Count one! hahahaha!

  4. Another instant classic, DGB! Kudos!

  5. I can't decide what's funniest - the e-mail address, the link to the PHX moving company, or Campbell's status. Bloody brilliant!

  6. You win again, DGB. Absolutely brilliant stuff.

  7. please don't ever die. the internet wouldn't survive without you.

  8. ""

    Classic in all ways.

  9. Amazing. I can't decided which one is the best either. Truly one of your best pieces!

  10. Sir, you are my hero. There has never been anything as significant as this posted on the internet, or any other form of post-oriented apparatus for that matter, in the history of the universe.

    Keep it up!

  11. pure genius, love the Count, hah

  12. I'd like to say I loved the Mike Gillis ones, but this letter I just got from Vancouver seems to indicate that could be construed as tampering...

  13. "As someone who has bought books on Chapter 11 before..."

    Brilliant. I am looking forward to seeing the cast of "The Office" killing penalties for the Penguins - Leno's got to have somebody to interview, right? Otherwise he'll just be doing the monologue, and we know that ain't gonna work.

  14. DGB, you are BRILLIANT!!!!

  15. @bishnui
    i think you've missed the point. comedic intervention is not always an exact replication of real-life functionality and order. try and just.. ya know.. laugh at it.

  16. Brilliant as always DGB. You make me short coffee out my nose. Thanks!

  17. LOL. This is friggin hilarious. Great stuff as usual!

  18. Matt:

    I think you missed the point too. :)

    People using Gmail start reading it from the bottom up which kills few punchlines. Until I got to the Wayne jokes, I realised I should be reading it from the top down.

    And yes it is very funny.

  19. Sheldon KannegiesserFebruary 2, 2010 at 1:31 PM

    Dave Semenko's canoe trip, and the WNBA Facebook invitation broke me up.

  20. Mr. Brown, hacking an email account is highly illegal! I'd report you to the authorities, but I can't figure out how to use a telephone.

  21. Awesome job! And some of the stuff was subtle enough (the Phoenix moving company) that I didn't even see it at first! LOL

  22. My Clients want to know if you could do them, so to speak. They are near the top in league stats for obscurity.

  23. MONSTER! Can I come over and stand disturbingly close to you?

  24. I was expecting a spam e-mail discussing "ph03nix enl4rg3mnt". :3

  25. As always, stellar, stellar work. How the hell do you come up with this stuff? Beer and your own wheel-o'-justice?

  26. This is:

    Pure. Comic. Genius.

    I guess I won't have to kill the neighbors today. They don't know you, but they owe you large.


  27. Absolutely killed it with this one.

  28. Hilarious stuff as usual.

    But we in Dallas gotta give you a big middle finger for the "no successful southern markets" thing. A middle finger with a Stanley Cup ring on it, by the way.

  29. Outstanding DGB! LOVED the Goodell 'e-mail' declining Gary's friendship request. And David Stern's Sabotage 'e-mail'. Who am I kidding? I loved them all. RiM message was particularly good too.

  30. Okay, I just spent 15 minutes looking for the easter egg. DGB, I vow to downgrade your status from "the best person on the interweb EVAR" to "just a wee touch less than the best person on the interweb EVAR" if you don't give me a goldarned hint.

  31. Is the ee the Phoenix moving company ad?

  32. The greatest part about this...Gary Bettman actually uses @Gmail account not an @NHL account.

    A family friend who got laid off from the NHL gave it to me and said have at it. never ahd the balls to email him though.

  33. A leaf fan cutting up Bettman, that's precious.

  34. Love it! Another bit of inspired genius!

  35. Easter Egg? = Relocating? Find Moving Companies in Phoenix Arizona

  36. Noted that brief Leaf Per Gustafsson just retired, 39 years old. A #24 Gustafsson should probably score pretty high on the obscure jersey-list.

  37. LOL don't tell me the Easter Egg was the bit about NBC wanting the games at 4am ... that's good. Real good. Didn't catch that until you linked your first entry in the anniversary post. Very slick.

  38. loved the jagr email. funny. lov the chris chelios ones:"remember, you dont get these from me!"

  39. This is fantastic, loved it
