Monday, January 23, 2017

The 100 Greatest Players in NHL History: A new ebook from DGB and friends

Later this week, the NHL will unveil it's list of the Top 100 players in league history. But they're not actually ranking it, which seems to take half the fun out of the whole thing.

Well, I can't do much about the loser point or low-scoring games or most of the other things I complain about. But with the help of a few friends, I can do something about this.

Biscuits co-host Dave Lozo and I have teamed with Puck Daddy's Greg Wyshynski to present The 100 Greatest Player in NHL History (And Other Stuff): An Arbitrary Collection of Arbitrary Lists. It's an ebook that you can purchase from Amazon and iTunes, with other sources to come.

For the cost of a magazine -- $8 Canadian/$6 American -- you get:

  • Our Top 100, counted down from 100 to 1.
  • Writeups for each player -- you're pretty much guaranteed to learn something you didn't know about hockey history.
  • Other arbitrary lists, including Gary Bettman's worst decisions, and my predictions for what the NHL will look like when it turns 125.
  • A dissenter's section, in which the three of us rip into each other's worst rankings.
  • Your personal favorite player, who is guaranteed to not be ranked high enough.
  • The list Dave Lozo was born to write: 100 NHL players whose names sound vaguely dirty.

Download it today from:
- iTunes

(More formats are on the way; I'll update here as they arrive.)

Once you own it, feel free to contact Dave, Greg and I directly to tell us which specific rankings were our biggest mistakes.

And as always, thanks for your continued support. This was a fun project to work on, and I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Since nobody else seems to post comments on your blog here anymore, let me just say that Claude Giroux is certainly not ranked nearly high enough on the list of 100 greatest players. That is all.

  2. Will it be available on Kobo? I loved your first book, can't wait to get a copy of this one! I vote Alexei Zhitnik for vaguely dirty top 10.

    1. More formats are on the way. I'm told we should have Google and Nook soon, so will make sure Kobo is on the list.

  3. #100. Three errors right off the bat. Daniel plays left wing, not right wing. Their careers started in 2000, not 2001. And they're not identical, thus no egg split. I sure hope the other 99 are better researched than this.

  4. Is there an audiobook for those of us with long commutes and who hate reading and driving?

  5. good read and enjoyed it quite a lot.

  6. Not gonna buy this because of Dave Lozo, he's nobody...

  7. I'm sure you guys wrote a nice list, but I can't justify paying for a list. It's like paying for a buzzfeed list. The NHL didn't charge us to see their list.

    1. The NHL didn't charge you; they just had you sit through a three-hour TV show packed with advertising and sponsor messages. All for a list of 100 unranked names. We give you 100 players with 100 writeups, ranked, plus additional lists, an explanation of the methodology and additional coverages of the players we couldn't agree on.

      If you think every list has to be a Buzzfeed list, you're reading too much Buzzfeed.

    2. Yeah, but it's fine to watch the nhl show with ads because I don't have to pay any additional costs. It's like reading articles on the web supported by ads. I don't pay for subscription things like ESPN insider.

      I just don't think a players list is substantial content. Should be an article on puck daddy or 99 cents max. It's different from say Gretzky's latest book about 99 stories because that inherently can't be boiled down to a list of names, items, etc.

    3. If you think our work is only worth 99 cents, then so be it; everyone is free to spend or not spend their money as they see fit. The book has been the top-selling sports book in Canada for a week, so apparently at least a few people think it's a fair price.
