
Sunday, August 1, 2010

DGB hits the Post

Get it? "Hits the post"? That is some
professional level punning right there.
You may have seen this already, but I thought I should do a quick post on some site news: As of last week, I've partnered with the National Post. You'll now be able to enjoy DGB content in the Post's print edition, as well as on their web site.

What does this mean? A few things:
  • I'm actually going to have to write something at least twice a week. (The current plan is to have new material on Tuesdays and Fridays, although that could always change.) So if you see somebody throwing an empty bottle through the screen of a TV tuned into the NHL Network while screaming "WOULD SOMETHING HAPPEN ALREADY?", that's me.

  • The content will still be cross-posted on this site. That means you can choose whether to read it here, on the Post's site, or in the paper. Personally, I'd recommend reading all three and then playing a fun game of "Find the joke the editors took out".

  • Additional content, videos, and embarrisngly amateurish photoshops will continue to appear on this site on other days.

  • I am now one step closer to achieving my longterm career goal of someday getting destroyed by the Cox Bloc guys.
If you're not familiar with NP's Posted Sports blog, it combines breaking news with some of the more offbeat stories that wouldn't ordinarily make it into a daily paper. It's one of the better MSM sports blogs out there, and I'd recommend it for a spot in your bookmarks or RSS feed. You can also follow them on twitter.

It's early, but so far all of this has been a lot of fun. The only downside is that I didn't get one of those slick National Post-style headshots, which apparently means I drew these black lines all over my face with magic marker for nothing. Probably shouldn't have gone with the permanent. Live and learn.

Anyway, this seems like a good opportunity to once again offer up a sincere thanks to anyone who has become a DGB reader. Whether you're one of the dozen or so who've been here since the beginning or just found me last week, any success this site has had is all thanks to you. I owe each and everyone one of you a beer.

(Note to self: Find out if the Post allows expensing beers.)


  1. Always a pleasure to read, DGB. I think it's the other way around -- for all the laughs you've given us, every reader should get you a beer.

  2. When do we get these beers you owe us?

    Thanks in advance

  3. Congratulations! You've carved out a unique niche in the hockey world. Now just keep it up while rolling in all that corporate dough...

  4. Hey DGB that is fantastic, I know how you feel since I recently got asked to write for the Examiner for Toronto BBQ articles.

    I hope you enjoy your new column, I know your readers will!

  5. Congratulations! Always good to see quality work get rewarded. Definitely one of the better blogs on the internet, always makes me laugh. Keep up the great work!

    P.S. Looking forward to your review of NHL 2011 ;) -- last year's review was hilarious

  6. "The beer is on me! Go Wed Wings!" (check out the video at the 25-second mark)

  7. I'm in Ottawa and I've been reading for a year... what was that about beer? ;)

  8. Mazel tov. Can't remember how many times I've come close to pissing myself laughing at your stuff.

  9. Another example of 21st century success, but this time deserving

  10. Congratulations. This is definitely well-deserved. By far my favorite blog on the Web.

  11. This would be the proverbial "jumping the shark," except you're a Leaf fan and selling out is in your DNA-MLES...

  12. Congrats. You guys are awesome.

    Perhaps throw Valk some time in a post...people gotta keep voting Valk!

  13. Congrats. You have shown that being a hockey fanatic can get you somewhere in the world. Well, in Canada anyway.

  14. Congrats man, you earned this one

  15. Congrats DGB!
    If u just keep on being funny this will be all good.
    Make sure they pay in advance.

    P, Sweden

  16. Nice use of the pun, but remember- that's my gig, sonny. Don't make me come over there and put on my reffing gear and go all pun-medieval on you. Didja know I used to be a referee? Clearly I don't mention this enough during the season.

  17. I am now one step closer to achieving my longterm career goal of someday getting destroyed by the Cox Bloc guys.

    Hmmm I have some e-mails to for you...

    Congrats pal!

  18. Just FYI if you ever make it to Santa Fe, NM my buddy and I owe you a beer (not vice versa) as you make the work week go a little quicker.

  19. What the hell is a newspaper? And does this make you a tool of the media industry? Is this one step closer for the duo of Bettman and Burke to finally silence you? So many ?'s

  20. well, if anyone can get me to start reading the national post, you can. a million congratulations. i've never understood why you haven't been beating offers back with a stick, you're the cream of the interwebs.

  21. Well done good sir! Been reading your stuff since the leafs facebook page, always good for a few laughs, keep them coming!

  22. BesterThanYesterdayAugust 3, 2010 at 11:49 AM


    Does this mean we lose Bloge?

  23. @BesterThanYesterday...

    Nope, will still have occasionally Bloge videos on other days of the week.

  24. Congratulations on selling out! just kidding. can't believe someone hasn't trolled that already.
    Congratulations on selling.

  25. Congratulations! Best wishes from Vintage Leaf, Michael Langlois, Vintage Leaf Memories

  26. I feel like the B.C. / A.D. time divider is pre and post "Brian Burke" twitter.

    On that note, I think Wysh deserves a beer.
